NOTE: In general the priest baptizes children even though the parents are not married in the Church, with the hope that the parents resolve their marriage status.
Celebrated at 10:00 a.m. on Saturdays. 1st Saturday in Vietnamese; 2nd Saturday in English; 3rd Saturday in Spanish.
Parents are obliged to have infants baptized within the first weeks after birth. Please contact the Parish Office about preparation classes (714) 540-2214.
A multi-year program of the Religious Education Department. The child is first accepted as a catechumen and is later baptized in conjunction with First Communion and Confirmation.
All unbaptized children ages 7-16 must enroll in a special class offered Sunday mornings (R.C.I.A. adapted for children). Class begin in September and are usually from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. If you need further assistance, please call (714) 546-4102 or send an email to Candy Carmona at [email protected].