Our parish is staffed by Norbertine priests from Saint Michael's Abbey in Silverado, who serve in the parish church and its grammar school.
The Norbertines of Saint Michael’s follow the nine hundred-year-old traditions of the Canons Regular of Prémontré, founded by Saint Norbert.
Three main language groups (English, Spanish, Vietnamese) are ministered to within the parish through Masses, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, confessions, youth and adult religious education classes, visits to the sick and dying, prayer groups, volunteer opportunities, and social events.
Our primary goal is to make ourselves, together with our parishioners, saints. If that is your goal also, come join us!
Donations may be made HERE
Adults inquiring about Baptism into the Catholic Church, or other sacraments, should contact Tom Grebel at (714) 540-2214 x120 or [email protected].
You may also attend one of the meetings that take place on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm in the Parish Hall, beginning Sep 9th.
We're happy to announce that the classes will be taught by our very own Fr. Matthias Gray, O.Praem. MORE INFO
Saint John the Baptist is live-streaming Masses each day on our Facebook page for the sick and homebound.
An English Mass is live-streamed weekdays at 8:30 AM and Saturday at 8:00 AM.
Sunday Masses live streamed: Vietnamese - Saturday Vigil at 6:30 PM; Sunday - English at 11:00 AM and Spanish at 2:15 PM.
If you are not free to follow along at those times you may find them afterwards on our YouTube Channel.
Rosary in English: Weekdays after the 8:30 AM Mass; Saturdays after 8:00 AM Mass
Evening of Prayer for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart: Mondays at 7:25 PM
Our Lady of Perpetual Help: 6:10 PM Wednesdays
Rosary in Vietnamese: Saturday at 6:10 pm (before the 6:30 pm Vietnamese Mass)
Rosary in Spanish: Sunday after the 2:15 pm Spanish Mass
Monday through Friday: 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM
(Benediction at 4:50 PM)
Adoration Chapel open for Perpetual Adoration 24/7 (sign-up to be an adorer)
Morning Prayer: 6:00 AM
Evening Prayer: 5:00 PM
Sunday envelopes may be placed in the collection basket, dropped off at the rectory office, or mailed to us.
If you can't leave home, EMAIL US and we'll send you pre-addressed stamped envelopes to use.
Better and easier: Make your secure online donations for Sunday HERE.
Best: Enroll in our online giving program HERE.
Use our Contact Form to sign up to receive the St John the Baptist HERALD, our monthly e-newsletter featuring updates, features and photos on important parish events, SJB School news and short articles on aspects of our magnificent Catholic Faith!
View the latest newsletter
Send your prayer requests or petitions to our St. John the Baptist Prayer Line Ministry at
We encourage you to take advantage of our parish's free subscription to FORMED.org where you may access thousands of Catholic video-based study programs, movies, audio talks, and audio books. Go to signup.formed.orgenter our parish zip code (92626) and select St. John the Baptist Costa Mesa. Then enter your name and email address.
Parishioners who are in remote or near danger of death, or soon to undergo a serious operation, should request the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick (aka: the "Last Rites" or "Extreme Unction"). It is best received when the sick are still able to vocally participate. Do not contact the priests directly, but call the main office, (714) 540-2214. Outside normal business hours, call and follow the voice prompt.